SKI Katulampa

Hola aloha, gals. Long time no post and share with me? Sure. I’m very missed to post here and share a new post in potret subpost. Next month, me and my little family have a little trip to SKI Katulampa. My Aunt who came from Bima, really want to saw and bought many bags for her friend’s in Mataram. So, my Papa said, “We can have a funny evening at Katulampa.”
Where is this? Ya, its not far from Baranangsiang bus station. If you know Tajur, that it is...

Ok, gals. Follow me. Here we go!
Ssstt..sementara Mama dan Tante belanja, aku sama adikku malah asik main di tamannya lho. Capcus ah!

Air Mancur

Aha, who want to having fun on the balloon? Kamu bisa puas-puasin deh jungkir balik di dalam balon air itu selama 20 menit. Ngerasain gerah, tapi dingin. Ngerasain puyeng gara-gara ngegelinding. Haha...i like this game.
Atau kamu mau main bareng ikan-ikan di kolam? Yuk mari kita lemparin pelet buat mereka.

Kolam Ikan                

Aish, look at my little brother. What he looking for? What did he do there? Owh, be careful my lttle bro.

My Brother Amar

Play Ground
 Humph, how about me? I’m really enjoy this trip. ^.~

Sssttt.. I am sing alone there and you want to know what song I was? Cekidot... Heits, dont think I am gonna crazy because of this trip ya.....


  1. Menarik... .

    in my village jg banyak yg eksotis2 sprti itu.. :D
    #my recomend

  2. thank you so much hendra..
    can I know, where are you come from?
    I want to know about your village more..hope one day I'll come there and feel the ecsoticely..
    can you tell me? or you can write it in your blog?
    hope you will


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